The Powerful Benefits of Ginger

The Many Uses and Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is an absolute powerhouse!

What it’s used for:

Ginger is one of those all around benefits plants. It increases circulation, helps digestions, great for oral health, soothes nausea, indigestion and motion sickness. It can warm uterine walls to ease menstrual cramps, tones and soothes the stomach, stimulates appetite. Ginger is pain relieving, an antioxidant which is useful for treating colds, sore throats, coughs. The warming properties of ginger can also promote healing, increase circulation and the smell of it can ease mental confusion, reduce fatigue and calm your nerves!

How to Use it:

Whether its a ginger juice shot, ginger essential oil diluted in some water or a bit of ginger powder in your meals, ginger is definitely worth adding into your life.

Use the link below to purchase HIGH QUALITY ginger essential oil:

Photo by Jocelyn Morales on Unsplash