Quick, Easy and Balancing Chakra Meditation


Realign with this quick chakra meditation

Meditation is SO important for our wellbeing, a clear head, increased creativity and so much more. Meditation does not have to be an intimidating act that has a bunch of rules that turn you off of it all together. There isnโ€™t really a wrong way to do it. The meditation below is a simple chakra/body scan meditation :

Practice this Chakra Meditation for 3-10 minutes dailyโ  (or longer when you're ready).

But first - WHAT ARE CHAKRAS? 

Chakras are energy centers in our body that connect us to all aspects of our life experience. If you connect these "dots", they make a straight line in our bodies. They have corresponding colors, sounds, words, meanings and more! Pretty cool! 

They start at the base of our spine - that's our root chakra - and the highest one is at the crown of your head - that's our crown chakra. Here's a head to toe guide:

๐Ÿ’Ÿ Chakra 7 - Crown - Wisdom- Purple

๐Ÿ’œ Chakra 6 - Third Eye - Intuition- Indigo

๐Ÿ’™ Chakra 5 - Throat - Expression- Blue

๐Ÿ’š Chakra 4 - Heart - Love- Green

๐Ÿ’› Chakra 3 - Solar Plexus - Self-esteem- Yellow

๐Ÿงก Chakra 2 - Sacral - Sexuality- Orange

โค๏ธ Chakra 1 - Root - Grounded- Red

So let's get in our body. We can align or tap into our chakra energies by taking these simple actions:


1. Find a quiet place without distraction and sit or lay comfortably.โ 

2. Close your eyes and take deep diaphragmatic  breaths for 1- 5 minutes.โ 

3. Focus your attention on the area of the chakra that you want to stimulate.

4. Focus on the color of that chakra. You might notice if the color has a shape or size and/or if the shape or size changes with your focus. 

5. You may notice sensations in your body, emotions, thoughts, feelings, or memories that arise. This is ok; just observe and continue to breathe.

6. You may either choose to continue through the remaining chakras or stop after focusing on just one.โ *

*I recommend that beginners start with one at a time. You will be amazed at how quickly you can learn this one by one and will soon master 10 minutes of meditation! ;)

7. Continue to sit quietly for another minute. Then, when you're ready, begin to wiggle your fingers and toes.โ 

8. Bring your attention back to your body in your environment. Open your eyes, smile in gratitude, thank yourself for the moment of pause, and resume your dayโ .

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash