Getting Ready to Feel Beautiful...

Getting Ready to Feel Beautiful...

If you enjoy preening yourself, then this is not directed at you.

According to an article found on The Telegraph, women spend 3,276 hours getting ready over their lifetime, compared to men who devote 1,092 hours. Additionally, 67% of women surveyed said that getting ready was a chore!

Do you like getting ready or do you find it to be a chore?

Women have enough to handle simply because we are nurturing, multi-tasking, baby bearing, menstrual-cycle-having goddesses! It does not seem right to me that we allow ourselves to be pressured by our culture and society to look good. We have a choice, ladies! We can choose to be capable, confident, powerful or simply at peace in our skin, body, face and hair - exactly as it is!

If you enjoy preening yourself, then this is not directed at you. I can relate to women who feel better about themselves when they prep for the day with a full face of makeup and styled hair - and in my career, this is a must! But mostly, I believe we should do this because we want to, not because we feel pressured to. I will be posting a "natural look" makeup tutorial video to help you shave some of those pampering hours off your lifetime... hours that can instead allow you to be beautiful in other ways! Stay tuned!

Further Reading