
Ever do something and feel uncomfortable? Ever wondered Why?
Ever do something and feel uncomfortable? Ever wondered Why?
Sometimes for me, when I'm doing something new or creating change in my life through different behaviors, I feel uncomfortable. But I recently learned to embrace that! Turns out we enter a river of change as our brains create new neural pathways when we feel uncomfortable. It's a perfect place - that place of unknown - and it is here that we can create our future!
What thoughts or behaviors do you want to have or demonstrate?
How would your YOU-nique greatness live today? Cultivate THAT emotion of wealth, love, patience, or whatever it may be.
What if we just sighed with a deep breath and told ourselves "Congratulations" whenever we were feeling uncomfortable. Give it a try. I'm actually feeling uncomfortable and anxious now as I type this and so I'm going to try it too.
How did it feel for you?
Further Reading
When was the last time you met someone that you really connected with?